Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Power of Association by Victor M. Irtwange

Association Defined
Association according to the 8th Edition of the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary is a connection or relationship between people. It is quite unfortunate that humanity even in modern times as in time past have not really understood the power of association and how it influences our lives and affects our destiny. Our ancestors must be biting their fingers in their graves feeling very bitter as their children never really seem to learn from their mistakes of getting into the wrong association and its unpleasant effect. Many people carelessly plunge into relationships that don’t add value to them and end up not attaining the height of greatness that God had planned for them. Continue after the cut...

The Effects of Association – Who leads you?
Recently, I was confronted with a question with respect to what leadership expert Dr. Myles Munroe said in his book - The spirit of Leadership,  which was “an army of sheep led by a lion will always defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.” Now, the question was how possible is it that an army of sheep led by a lion will defeat an army of lions led by a sheep? The answer was already hidden in the question and all I had to do was to unveil it. The army of sheep led by lion will surely come out victorious because they got into a relationship with a force that have the capacity to transfer to them the DNA of a warrior and conqueror. They made up their mind to have the right friend who had attributes of great value and importance that it could offer to them and that’s why they made the lion their leader. The army of lions led by a sheep must have asked themselves questions such as; “how did we lose?”, “we are lions, we have all the potentials and qualities needed to crush our foes, but how did this happen?” and so on, but the answer is simply because they kept the wrong association. It is not in the DNA of a sheep to be hostile and aggressive and so all they learnt under the leadership of a sheep was invalid in fulfilling the task ahead of them. The lions may have also attempted to attack the sheep but discover they could not. Why would it be so? You may ask. It is because their DNA has been altered to that of a sheep from prolonged association with the sheep.

The Effects of Association – Who are your friends?
There are two kinds of friends we keep around us; friends that make us and friends that mar us. Friends that make us are those that bring out the best in us and propel us to tap into the hidden treasures and energy that are hidden and lies dormant within us which are our potential and gifts. They make us develop confidence in our abilities and help to channel our energy to greatness. The lion that led the army of sheep was that kind of a friend. It is necessary that you understand that for the lion to be able to LEAD the army of sheep it must have known them individually and understood their distinct personalities making him a friend. Leadership expert John C. Maxwell says “a boss says GO but a leader says LETS GO”. This clearly differentiates a leader and a boss showing their peculiar characteristics. Observe that Dr. Myles Munroe did not say an army of sheep taking orders from a lion but an army led by a lion. By implication, your friends play a crucial role in the fulfillment of your destiny. The lion helped the army of sheep’s to achieve what looked impossible in their sight. That is the power of association with the right friends. They connected with a force that had the same mindset and goals as they had and ultimately came out victorious and stronger than they were before. Of a truth, your contact determines your condition. 

If you get in contact with a force that is bent on greatness, as iron sharpeneth iron, naturally you would find yourself walking the path of greatness. This principle have revolutionized the thought pattern of many and kicked them from the point of inferiority to that of superiority. The sheep that led the army of lions are friends that do quite the opposite of what the lion did to the army it led. They take away the good in you and leave you empty. They divert you away from your purpose in life and make you a liability to the society. The lions had no business learning how to be meek. That quality would not give them the desired result they expect and that is why they lost. It is unfortunate that most people keep such friends around them without knowing it. They place people in their inner circle without due consideration of what they will add to their lives and by implication house a fiend instead of a friend. If you keep such a person in your inner circle, I strongly recommend that you end such a friendship, as in the long run, the fruits of such association will cause you pain and regret. Many people give excuses why certain people are in their lives when people tell them to break free from such associations. The book of Luke 6:43 says “a healthy tree does not bear a bad fruit, nor does a poor tree bear good fruit”. Stop making excuses and do the right thing for your future and destiny.

The Power of Influence – Why work below your potentials?
Dr. Myles Munroe once shared a story of what he heard when he visited the continent of the cradle of humanity, Africa. He said, he was told a story of how a young lad climbed a very tall mountain and took the egg of an eagle. The lad came down from the mountain and kept the eagles egg with the eggs of a hen that he had nurtured for many years. When the eggs hatched, the eaglet walked like a chicken, ate like them and behaved like them but a day came when it saw an eagle soring high in the sky and examining itself, discovered that it looked exactly like the eagle it saw a few seconds ago and began pondering “why am I limiting myself and my potentials?” Stretching forth its wings and attempting to fly, the eagle failed a couple of times, yet it wasn’t discouraged. Finally, raising its head up high and wings wide open, the eagle began to flap its wings with great energy and in no time it was soaring in the sky, just like God designed it to. We were all made for greatness. 

Never allow yourself to be held back by people who don’t strive to be great. I’m sure that the other chicks said things like “you’re a chick and not an eagle”, “you don’t have what it takes” and so on, but the young eagle was determined and bent on exploring its gifts. If people have decided to limit their potentials, don’t spend your time with them, they only make you like them. The eagle developed the characteristics of a chicken because of its association with them but on realizing that it could be so much more than what he presently was, it broke out of its association with the little chicks and never regretted it. You too can be better than how you are now. Make conscientious effort to ensure that the people you keep around you either add to or multiply the good values in you and not divide or subtract from what God has placed in you. Remember that your friends can either be the best thing that can happen to you or the worst thing. Choose the right friends today and see this power work miracles in your life.

Article Written by Victor M. Irtwange (CLICK HERE to read about him)

Emmanuel A. Ahmadu

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